Buddha Nature
The Buddha-nature is not only a potential in Man, but in everything that exists. Stone, river and tree are all parts of the great hidden Unity. Thus Man, through his …
The Buddha-nature is not only a potential in Man, but in everything that exists. Stone, river and tree are all parts of the great hidden Unity. Thus Man, through his …
A little cloudy last night, but I managed to get this shot. Here is a page from my photography journal: INFO: (CNN )May’s full moon will have stargazers seeing red.The …
The dewy morning, the rainbow, mountains, orchards in blossom, stars, moonlight, shadows in still water and the like, if too eagerly hunted, become merely shows and mock us with their …
What is any man’s discourse to me, if I am not sensible of something in it as steady and cheery as the creak of crickets? Henry David Thoreau.
Length and shortness create each other, from each other. The ideas of height and lowness arise from a contrast between the two. The musical notes of the scale become harmonious …
Basho was a master of the ninth century. One day he was sitting with his feet across the garden-path. A monk came along with a wheel-barrow. Tuck in your feet, …
There is a characteristic of Zen which cannot be found in any other practice or in any religion. That is to say, its peculiar mode of expressing profound religious insight …
Eno was a great Zen master of the seventh century. He had lost his parents when he was young and earned his living by gathering firewood. One day when he …